Inside our schools: Exploring practices that make a difference - Coaching

20 March

Coaching at Marnel Junior School

Background - why coaching?
Marnel Junior School’s journey from inadequate to outstanding highlighted a need to improve consistency in teaching delivery. While some areas demonstrated strong practice, others presented opportunities for further development. Outsourcing was not an option, so the leadership team looked to harness the expertise already within the school. They recognised that every teacher had strengths - whether in questioning, modelling or subject knowledge - and that sharing this expertise could enhance overall teaching quality.

Additionally, the leadership team noticed that morale varied across the school and year groups were working in silos. They wanted to break down these barriers, foster collaboration and encourage an open-door culture where staff could rely on and learn from one another.

Implementing the vision - introducing coaching

To achieve this vision, the school adopted a coaching model. The first phase focused on introducing the concept alongside traditional staff training, clearly identifying the power of coaching and its impact on both practice and shared vision. Teaching staff were then grouped into triads, with each team typically including one experienced and one less experienced teacher. Notably, no senior leadership team (SLT) members were included in these teams to ensure a non-hierarchical and supportive environment.

Initially, the teams were given autonomy to choose their focus areas - such as live modelling or questioning - with the process intentionally designed to build confidence and foster growth, rather than create a high-stakes or high-pressure environment. SLT ensured that time was allocated for teams to meet, set targets and observe one another. The most experienced teacher would be observed first, followed by reflective discussions at the end of the week where teams provided positive feedback and identified next steps.

Building a positive feedback culture
A key factor in the success of this initiative was the emphasis on positive, constructive feedback. The deputy head invested time in training staff on how to give effective, encouraging feedback alongside standard professional development. This approach ensured that the coaching sessions felt supportive rather than evaluative, which was crucial in reducing initial anxieties about being observed.

Expanding the model - including LSAs
As staff began to experience the positive impact of the coaching triads - both on their own practice and that of their colleagues - the school was able to take a more strategic approach to subsequent coaching cycles, using insights gained from quality of education reviews, learning walks and lesson observations to identify future areas of focus. In the second year, SLT recognised that Learning Support Assistants (LSAs) were not being used as effectively as they could be. The focus of coaching expanded to include LSAs, with tailored targets that addressed their roles, such as questioning techniques, group work management and supporting children’s learning progression. LSAs were placed in their own triads, with cycles occurring twice a year.

Training for LSAs mirrored that of teaching staff, equipping them with the skills to provide meaningful feedback and refine their practice. This was particularly beneficial for new LSAs, helping them quickly understand their role and expectations. The impact was clear - LSAs reported increased confidence and a better understanding of how to engage groups effectively, ask probing questions and adapt their approaches to meet pupil needs.

Sustained impact - five years on
Now in its fifth year, the coaching model is embedded in Marnel Junior School’s culture. Coaching cycles occur termly, with three cycles per year, and have become a non-negotiable part of the timetable. SLT continues to provide cover to ensure these sessions happen, demonstrating their commitment to professional growth.

Regular staff surveys have shown a remarkable shift - from initial apprehension about being observed to increased confidence and a stronger sense of being equipped to excel in their roles. Teachers and LSAs alike feel valued and empowered, knowing that the process is about growth and collaboration, not criticism.

The role of leadership and long-term commitment
The success of Marnel Junior School’s coaching model stems from the leadership team’s support and strategic approach to change. Inspired by the deputy head’s NPQSL project, which used Kotter’s change model to implement sustainable change, the school ensured that coaching was not an isolated initiative but part of a wider culture of improvement. Importantly, coaching runs alongside formal observations and training, providing an additional layer of development without replacing existing feedback mechanisms.

Spreading best practice beyond Marnel Junior School
The impact has been so profound that Marnel’s coaching model is now being rolled out across other schools in the Trust. By sharing this approach, the Trust aims to replicate the success seen at Marnel and further enhance teaching quality and staff development across its family of schools.

Key takeaways:

  • Empowering staff: Coaching has built confidence and improved practice by leveraging internal expertise
  • Fostering collaboration: Breaking down silos has encouraged openness and teamwork across the school
  • Sustained growth: With ongoing SLT support and integration into the school’s culture, coaching continues to drive positive outcomes.

Marnel Junior School’s journey demonstrates how a well-implemented coaching model can transform teaching, build confidence and create a culture of continuous improvement.