Sally Andrews

Assistant to SENCo
Epsom & Ewell High School

I have worked at Epsom and High School for over 20 years and have had the privilege of seeing it grow form strength to strength. The SEND department and the way we supported pupils was quite different when I started as a TA, however this slowly began to change and the role of the TA in the classroom successfully developed.

I wanted to extend my role further, especially with specific learning needs and delivering more bespoke support for our pupils. With this in mind I went on to gain my HLTA qualification. With new responsibilities, I then became a senior teaching assistant and began overseeing the TAs. This was a great opportunity to share good practice and further advance the role, so when the opportunity arose to support the SENCo by doing a small amount of administration work for the pupils with an EHCP, I was really keen.

Shoot forward a few years and I had carved a new role for myself as Assistant to SENCo which covers a large range of responsibilities. My main role is planning all the annual reviews for the pupils with EHCPs and maintaining the inclusion register. I carry out dyslexia screening along with a range of other assessments, as well as being involved with supporting our exams assessor in gaining the correct exam access arrangements for our pupils. One initiative I am particularly proud of is the introduction of keyworker TAs for our EHCP and some high need pupils.

It has been very rewarding to have had the pleasure of talking about my position to other members of the Trust and those looking to join. I am currently working with my eighth SENCo in the Wave along with the most amazing team. I love my job and being part of the bigger family of Epsom and Ewell.