Cherice Salmon

KS2 COIN Higher Level Teaching Assistant
Pyrcroft Grange Primary School

I've had the privilege of being a part of the Pyrcroft Grange community since 2019. I wanted to share my journey with you as a testament to the school's commitment to personal growth and development.

My initial role involved working both in the COIN Centre and mainstream classrooms, providing valuable support to our pupils and teachers. This experience was incredibly rewarding as I got to witness first-hand the positive impact we can make in our pupils' lives.

As time went on, I felt a strong desire to expand my horizons and contribute more to our school community. I decided to take the initiative and pursue Higher-Level Teaching Assistant ('HLTA') training. This decision allowed me to step into the role of covering classes not only in the COIN Centre but also during PPA time for teaching staff across the school. It was a challenging but immensely fulfilling experience that helped me grow both personally and professionally.

At the end of the last academic year, I faced another turning point in my career at Pyrcroft Grange and successfully interviewed for the role of an Emotional Learning Support Assistant ('ELSA'), a position that I am incredibly passionate about. I am deeply grateful to the school for recognising my potential and providing me with this opportunity to make a significant difference in the lives of our pupils.

One of the aspects that truly sets my school and the Trust apart is its commitment to personal growth and development. They not only encourage but actively support their staff members to pursue their ambitions and professional goals. In my case, the school has generously offered to provide me with time outside of school hours to complete the necessary training with the local authority for my ELSA role. This support underscores the school's dedication to fostering a culture of continuous learning and improvement.

I am excited to embark on this new chapter of my career at Pyrcroft and continue to grow as an individual and educator. I am immensely grateful for the opportunities and support I have received thus far, and I look forward to contributing even more to our vibrant school community.