Celebrating Earth Day through sustainable practices

22 April

This year, Earth Day's theme, Planet vs. Plastics, calls all individuals, businesses and governments to unite in combating plastic pollution and protecting our health.

At Bourne Education Trust (BET), we are committed to working towards a lower-carbon infrastructure, reducing other forms of environmental harm and fostering more sustainable practices in our schools.

This Earth Day, we are therefore proud to highlight our secondary schools' catering service initiative, which has eliminated plastic bottles and single-use packaging for meals. Through this proactive approach, we are projected to save nearly 640,000 single-use items from landfill during the current academic year – a remarkable achievement equating to almost six tonnes of packaging waste and a significant step towards reducing our carbon footprint.

Furthermore by witnessing sustainable practices like our eco-friendly catering service first-hand, we hope to inspire our student to adopt a mindset of resource conservation and environmental stewardship. Initiatives like this are just the start; we are continuously exploring new ways to prioritise sustainability across our Trust, from energy efficiency measures to waste reduction programs. Our goal is to create a greener, healthier future for our students and the communities we serve.

On this Earth Day, we encourage everyone – individuals, families, and organisations alike – to join us in taking small steps towards a more sustainable tomorrow. Together, we can make a meaningful difference and leave a lasting positive impact on our planet.